Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Playing in the Snow

Last weekend we had the first snow since having snow attire for the boys. They absolutely loved it!! Jack was ready to come back inside but only because he knew there was hot chocolate with marshmallows involved. Dustin on the other hand, was NOT ready! He threw quite the fit when it was time to come inside. It would be great if we could have the snow but have the temperatures up just a little bit. Jack was the pro at throwing snow balls and Dustin quickly decided that is what he liked to do also. You can see in the picture with him holding the snow that he is not quite sure. It is snowing as I type this right now and we are expected to get up to 8 inches so there could be more snow play for us this weekend!!

Jack so excited to throw a snow ball at me
Dustin checking out the snow (the sun was out that day so we constantly heard, "hot hot"--silly boy)
mid throw
the snow was so deep that Dustin pretty much just stood in one place and still needed help with his balance :)
he decided to get Daddy though!

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