Friday, May 02, 2008

Jack watching himself on the video camera

Here is a video from last night. We had been videoing for awhile and then Brian turned the screen around so Jack could see himself. You will notice that he has some leftovers from his dessert on his upper lip and he is very sweaty from running around the house (which is why he has no clothes on). He is so funny!! You wouldn't believe that earlier in the day we had been at the doctor's office where the pediatrician saw his ears and couldn't believe he had only been fussy the night before! Side note--you can see our new carpet in the background.


Louanne said...

That is so cute!!! So funny when he tossed the ball at the camera.

Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud when he threw the ball at the camera!! Blogging suddenly got a lot more interesting now that the Bones started one!!!