Monday, June 23, 2008

Long time no pictures...

I realize that it has been almost a month and a half since I put any pictures up but we have been busy the past few weeks in the Davis household! The boys and I went to KC at the beginning of June while Brian was in Colorado and then after that we had Vacation Bible School so we were at church each day! Last week Dustin turned 3 months old and Jack will be 22 months next week. Dustin has started rolling over which is great, except for the fact that it wakes him up! He is getting so big and smiling all the time (Brian and I both think that he smiles easier and quicker than Jack did at this age but who would know that now). Jack continues to be a great big brother and keeps us entertained and laughing most of the time. The following pictures have been taken over the past month or so starting with the first one that was taken while we were in KC. We went to Tommy T's in Parkville for dinner and ice cream and Jack had a great time entertaining all of the customers as he devoured this ice cream cone you see in the picture. When the picture was taken he had been eating it for awhile (as you can see from his face :)) and now that I think about it--I think that ended up being his dinner!
Here are Jack and Grandpa riding the tractor. I think that Grandpa ended up spending about an hour and a half in the hot garage letting Jack climb on and off the tractor after they had a ride. I kept trying to get them to come in the house but actually I think Grandpa was having just as much fun :)!

Here are Jack and Daddy after bath time coming in to say hi to Dustin and me. We have a pretty good routine down--we split up and Brian give Jack his bath (and has to do all his lotion) and I give Dustin his bath. Everytime they get done, Jack always wants to come in and say hi to us with his "hat" on.
I bought matching jammies for the boys and this is the first picture of them matching. I don't know why but everytime I take a picture of them together Jack has to have his hands in his mouth.

This picture is Jack "holding" Dustin, he said he wanted too but then changed his mind :).
Here is Jack posing with his duck from VBS. The duck is holding a basketball which is really confusing for him because he sees the ball and assumes that means it is a ball so the duck gets thrown all over the house!

Here is Dustin on his 3 month birthday before we left for VBS! In true Davis fashion, he hates for anything to be tight around his waist so within 30 minutes of arriving in the nursery, he got upset--they took his shorts off and he was fine!

Here is Jack's cheese face! Instead of seeing his sweet smile, when he sees the camera--this is what I see!
Caught him off guard
Here he is ready to go out to his pool, he and Daddy were playing in the backyard!
No more pictures please!
Here is Jack with his new favorite pastime, he loves to play Daddy's guitar. Brian brought it home and so now he goes up to the guitar case and says, "". He loves to sit on the couch and "play" the guitar all by himself.
Here he is blowing me a kiss!


Louanne said...

Super Cute! The duck story made me laugh.

The Allen's said...

Jack seems to have such a happy little spirit. Just looking at these pics makes me smile and laugh a little. You guys keep up the great work!