Sunday, August 24, 2008

Jack's Birthday Party

Here is part 1 of Jack's birthday party post! I didn't actually take that many pictures but am hoping to get some from people who did (thanks Louanne and Kyla)! We had a great time and Jack didn't stop running from the moment we walked into the Little Gym. I have some video as proof but it won't load at the moment so pictures will have to do. After we got home from the party, we let Jack open his birthday present because we are going to be out of town next weekend on his actual birthday and didn't want to drag it with us. After he opened it, he proceeded to play his guitar until it was time to read books for bed!

Playing guitar with Daddy
Here are the pictures from the party! They had this special bubble thing that made hundreds of bubbles and Jack loved it!!
See the bubbles all around
Here he is "jumping"
At the end, everyone got around the parachute and Jack got to sit on it. I thought he was going to be scared but he loved it

Blowing out the candles on his Thomas cake

1 comment:

Louanne said...

We had a great time and I will ask Mike to get the photos off his camera soon and get them to you.

I LOVE the little guitar for Jack. That so super fun!