Saturday, February 07, 2009

Horses and Turtles

Yesterday we made the trek out to Jacksboro, TX to visit Anna Kate and Lyla.  They have lots of fun things to do and Jack loves to play with Lyla.  Out at their house they have a miniature horse that kids can ride so that was our first stop.  Jack was excited to get on but after about 30 seconds said, "Ok mommy, I'm done".

He decided it was more fun just to play in the dirt
Here are some pictures of the boys in their matching turtle pajamas. 
 I love getting them matching stuff!
This is the best we could do for a picture of them together
Here is Jack after he woke up at 9:00 this morning.  
(Notice his handful of cars--doesn't go anywhere without them) 

1 comment:

Louanne said...

Those PJ's are so cute. On such cute boys you know ;)