Friday, May 02, 2008

Some recent happenings...

These are some pictures from the past week or so. It has been a crazy few weeks at our house between a slab leak (which meant a sleepover for 2 nights with the Bates :)), jackhammering up our living room and our master closet (dust everywhere), and finally new carpet!! We are so happy to finally be back at home with no workers and clean carpet. We are also excited that Brian has 2 weeks and then he will be finished with his final Spring semester! This first picture demonstrates how Jack follows Brian around and imitates everything he does. Brian was standing with his arms crossed and I looked down and Jack was standing there doing the exact same thing (or trying to)!!

This is Dustin in the bath about a week ago.

This is Dustin in the bath today. He is now 6 1/2 weeks old, notice how his cheeks have filled out.

Here are a couple pictures after his bath, he was so awake and happy! He has started smiling a couple days ago, it is so sweet!

1 comment:

Louanne said...

Jack is his dad's shadow and I love it! The new photos of Dustin are great too.