Sunday, March 08, 2009

Spring Forward

Here are some pictures of the past couple weeks.  The boys have been having lots of fun together in between illnesses at our house :).  They are taking turns being sick which has kept us in the house more than we would like.  It is hard to believe that Dustin turns one in 10 days!!

sweet brothers
his cars saying "cheese"

Jack has to do what Daddy is doing 
(he is watching himself in the fireplace doors)

still watching himself 
here you can see Dustin's top teeth 


Martha Elaine Belden said...

they're so cute, you guys! i can't believe how big they're getting. and dustin's about to be one!? i still haven't met him yet. i gotta get out to fort worth!

abbiegrace said...

Love the guitar photos! they're so cute together.