Saturday, March 21, 2009

1 Year Old

On this past Wednesday we celebrated Dustin's 1st birthday!  It is hard to believe he is already 1, especially because he is so much smaller than Jack was at this age.  It was fun to watch Dustin eat cupcakes and open presents with help from his big brother.  Dustin is not walking on his own yet but makes laps around the house with the toys he can walk behind.  He is sleeping very well at night because of that!  At one point while eating his cupcake, I thought he was just going to fall asleep!

Here is Dustin wearing the TCU hat that Uncle Johnny 
got for Jack but it never fit his big head.
Wanting to play with his brother outside...
Dustin and his Lightning McQueen cake
Bring on the cupcakes!
About to fall asleep
Going for a big bite!
Jack after eating half a chocolate cupcake and half a vanilla cupcake.
Admiring his new alphabet train

Jack "helping" Dustin open presents
Watching Jack 
again "helping"

1 comment:

Louanne said...

Great photos. I love the "assist" from Jack.