Monday, March 30, 2009

Cupcake Round 2

One night last week we decided to give Dustin a second chance with a cupcake since he was so tired the first time around (and I was a little out of it too :)).  He loved it as you will see below!  Jack was really concerned because he was making such a mess--Dustin however, didn't mind at all.  

We also visited the pediatrician last week for D's 1 year check-up.  He weighed in at 21 lbs. 10 oz. (between 30th and 40th percentile) and 30 inches tall/long (50th percentile).  He has gained over 3 lbs. since we switched to all table food and the doctor was very pleased with that.  It was quite the circus when it was time for shots because Jack does not like it when Dustin cries.  He kept telling me/yelling, "Mommy, he doesn't like that".  After the shots, Jack got a sticker (or 3) so it all ended up ok!!

Jack likes to stand behind Dustin's chair and play Peek-a-Boo

He was a very happy little boy!
Jack concerned about how messy Dustin is :)
Dustin with cupcake everywhere!

1 comment:

Louanne said...

Those are so cute.