Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Morning at the Zoo

A couple weeks ago when we met a group of friends at the zoo, we decided that since a zoo pass would pay for itself in 3 1/2 visits that it was worth spending the money even though we would only use it for 3 months.  So--this morning the boys and I decided to make a trip to see the animals.  Another good thing about having a pass is that I don't feel like we have to stay all day to justify spending the money.  We went for about an hour and forty-five minutes this time and had lots of fun!  It was a beautiful morning and there were tons of people there but Jack loves looking at the animals and running around.

he loves his sunglasses
Dustin about to fall asleep in the stroller
he loved the elephants too--he thought he was such a big kid climbing on the fence because Whit taught him how to do it last time we were there
a quick "cheese"
here's where the lion cubs were
Texas Wild (aka the petting zoo)

1 comment:

Louanne said...

I love all the photos. And I totally agree on having the pass becuase if the kiddos are too tired you can just hit the road and not feel bad that you dropped the admission and parking.

The boys are getting cuter everyday!