Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009--Beware: Lots of Pictures

We had a great Easter weekend!  Mia came down to spend our last Easter in Texas with us and we were very busy!  On Friday night after she got here we went to Uncle Julio's for dinner for her last time there (hopefully we will go back again before we leave :)).  Then Saturday morning we headed to TCU bright and early--the boys woke up early so we got ready and out of the house before we realized it was only 9:15--so we walked around campus before the bookstore opened.  After hitting up the bookstore we went to Dutch's for big cheeseburgers for lunch and then came home to dye eggs and play out in the backyard with some new bubbles.  Dustin started walking a lot more over the weekend so he even had fun playing in the backyard.  On Easter, we went to church and just spent the afternoon and evening at home.  We cooked Easter dinner and had a great time playing with the boys.  It was such a great Easter!

Daddy and the boys
a good picture of Mia's time here--Jack pulling her in every direction :)
a cute one of Jack near the columns on Sadler Hall (I think)
Dustin eating (surprise, surprise) while in the stroller
touching the Horned Frog 
in front of Frog Fountain
dying Easter eggs--Jack loved this!
Jack making his "happy face"
blowing bubbles
playing outside (really for his first time)
I think this is going on our wall, that's why it is b&w

also going on the wall
look at those teeth!
Jack looks like he was caught doing something
this outfit was Jack's but he never got to wear it because it was long and skinny and that never really described him :)
this is how attempts at family pictures go these days
Mia doing what she did A LOT this weekend--reading with the boys

1 comment:

Louanne said...

I love all the photos. And it looks like you guys had an awesome weekend.