Saturday, May 09, 2009

1st Haircuts

Last weekend while Grandpa and Ya-Ya were in town, we decided it was time to get Dustin's first haircut.  His hair was really starting to get out of control in the back (see top picture).  You will notice that Dustin was quite happy while having his haircut--only because of the sucker.  I don't think I would have ever let Jack have a sucker this young but when we were flying back from Indiana Dustin got his first one on the plane in a moment of desperation and obviously he loves them!!  You will also see I put in a couple pictures of Jack's first haircut.  It is amazing how different they look!  Jack's head was so much bigger!!  The other thing you will notice is they are intently staring at something in front of them...the tv.  At Cool Cuts they get to choose a movie to watch while getting their haircut.  
notice the curl
post sucker

still enjoying it
sweet Jack watching his movie
this is pre sucker and right after this picture, things went south
Jack with his paci 

1 comment:

Louanne said...

Gotta love the power of candy.