Friday, May 15, 2009

Sick of these yet?

I realize that some people may not like this as much as I do...but if you haven't noticed I love matching pajamas!  I think it is one of the cutest things so sorry if you don't enjoy it as much as me.  This is the latest round and these pictures also capture one of the best things right now: the boys playing together.  When I was pregnant, I heard many horror stories about how hard it would be in the beginning having two children eighteen months apart.  However, those stories were always followed with how sweet it would be to watch them play together when they got a little bit older.  We have reached the "little bit older" stage and it is wonderful!  Our favorite thing to hear is these two little boys laughing and running and playing together.  It makes those stressful moments at the beginning (nothing was as bad as the stories I heard :) ) hard to even remember.

Dustin chasing Jack around the living room
the big brother
the little brother (who is looking more and more like Jack with each passing day)
"happy face"
Dustin's monster face
more of my favorite thing
Jack's monster face
We are so thankful for these two!!!


Louanne said...

I will never get sick of these, especially after you move and it's the way to see the boys :)

And did you get those jammies recently? I know they are for boys, but my Monkey Loving Girl would L-O-V-E them. It's a monkey world in this house.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

goodness gracious... they're just so cute and getting so big! it's exciting :)

i'm sad i haven't seen you all in so long. but i suppose i'll be feeling like that for a long time now that you'll be in indiana (that's where purdue is, right?)

anyway... i miss you guys. glad i can keep up with you here at least :)

abbiegrace said...

I'm such a fan of matching pjs as well! Especially matching Christmas pjs....can't beat that.

what cute boys!

Meredith Smith said...

They are both growing up so fast!! I hope you guys will make it to St. Louis sometime soon. I miss your family!