Monday, August 03, 2009


We have had a busy summer to say the least! Although it has been busy, we have remembered to take some pictures along the way! These first pictures are from our new home in West Lafayette, Indiana. This first one was after our first trip to the park. Unlike Jack, Dustin has no fear and went running down a hill only to land face first.
here are the boys swinging (pre-fall)
also pre-fall

Kirsten, Jack, and Dustin enjoying Ice Cream Sandwiches
on the picnic blanket in our new backyard
Dustin and me swinging at the park
cute pic of Dustin
sweet cousins
these pictures go all the way back to 4th of July--we were in Kansas City and
spent the evening at the carnival in Parkville
you can't tell but Jack was quite scared on the carousel, his legs were
shaking from trying to hold on so tightly
Dustin's 1st Ice Cream Cone

more carnival rides

Dustin enjoyed them too!

some of our last Fort Worth days
our wonderful party at church (Jack enjoying lots of cookies)
the boys playing after our party in their cute plaid!!


Jennifer said...

Okay, so yesterday as I was walking into church your family came to mind and it felt SO WEIRD that you weren't there.

Glad to see that the summer has been fun and the boys already seem so much bigger to me!

Can't wait to see more pics of your new house! :)


Leigh Anne Salter said...

These are great pics- It looks beautiful in the background. We miss you guys! I Love You!