Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Happy Hollow Park: Round 2

Yesterday we decided we would try Happy Hollow Park again. The last time we were there it ended badly (Dustin fell face first onto the concrete after running down the hill in crocs) and las night it was beautiful outside. It rained most of the day yesterday so everything was pretty wet but the boys still had fun! We also decided that we would take Lucy along with us since she doesn't seem that happy to be our dog again (I think she had turned into a farm dog in Kansas City). Jack LOVED being in charge of holding her leash! If he wasn't coming down the slide, he was holding onto it! The other big news was that this was our first outing in big boy pants (no diaper)! We were only there about an hour or so but Jack did great!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I love their shoes! Your boys are so cute! :) And way to go Jack!