Monday, August 17, 2009

The Zoo

We made a weekend trip to the zoo! The zoo here is very different from the one in Fort Worth but is really fun! It is free which is great and has a barn area where the animals (mostly goats) wander around. It is the perfect size for little kids! The boys and I had been once before but yesterday was the first time Brian had gone with us.

they have a few different kinds of little monkeys
here are the boys walking through the barn to get to the petting zoo part
Jack driving the tractor
Dustin wanted in on the action

there are 10 baby goats and Jack loved to pet them

so did Dustin
Dustin didn't let Daddy get too far away

1 comment:

Louanne said...

I am catching up on blogs here. Yeah for Jack wearing the big boy pants! And it looks like you guys had fun at the zoo. I hope he had a great birthday too! Miss you.