Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Day of School

Here is a sweet picture of Jack from his first day of school. He is going to Preschool 2 mornings a week this fall at a church a few minutes from our house. He absolutely loves it and last week told me, "Ok have fun Mommy, I will see you later". I always wait around for a few minutes but he just goes in and starts playing. After his first day, I asked him where he wanted to go to lunch and he said Chic-fil-A so that is where we went!


Anonymous said...

Great Blog-posting Davises!!! It is so nice to see these pictures and get to see what you guys are doing up there. I am jealous that you are able to wear long sleeves already!! We miss you guys.

The Bates

Louanne said...

Cute boy. Hard to believe he is already preschool age!