Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend Fun

We had a great weekend with Mia! It was a busy couple of days but we had lots of fun! We went to Purdue and walked around campus and did lots of playing in the backyard. The weather has been beautiful and we are trying to enjoy it as much as we can before the cold gets here! :) Here is a decent picture of the four of us on campus.
the boys love to run around--it was interesting because we were there on a Friday morning so there were students everywhere and Jack had to talk to everyone he saw, so funny!
trying to get a picture of the 3 of them
Mia and Dustin
Mia and Jack
this is in the backyard--Dustin "sleeping" on the step
we have a big, flat backyard with soft grass and they like to play on the little concrete step
Jack with all his stuff
mid-swing hitting the baseball--he is good
he knocked over the "swingset" with his car

Dustin trying to push McQueen--I think he gets bored because Jack sits in the car probably more than he actually drives
Dustin, Mia, and Jack after waiting for cupcakes outside. We had to put candles on them and sing Happy Birthday to Jack once again :)
Dustin using the bat as a phone

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